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Pippa Anderson
Recent Posts


I'm a BAPAM Registered Practitioner!
I'm stoked to say that exactly 10 days ago I became a BAPAM Registered Practitioner (Vocal Rehabilitation Coach)! This means I have...

Voice Workshop at Teesside University
I had a great time with the 3rd year students on the BA Performing Arts programme at Teesside University. There was lots of vocal fun,...

NE CEN and The Elite Voice Clinic
Thanks to the NE Voice Clinical Excellence Network for inviting Natalie Eastwood (SLT) and I, to talk about the work we do at Freeman...

Voice Work for Teachers and Lecturers
I love speaking at conferences. Today, I delivered a bespoke session on voice for teachers and lecturers at the NEPS Conference at...

ICMUS Postgraduate Student Research Conference.
Just had a fabulous couple of days at Newcastle University attending and presenting at the ICMUS Postgraduate Student Research...

A Show I Worked On Made the List... One of Broadway World's Shows of the Decade!
So pleased to have been asked to work with the all female cast of Pride and Prejudice when they toured up here in the North East, UK....

A Lady Sang After 19 Years! Voice Therapy Works! #FreemanHospital
I have nothing more to say, other than the title! What a lady! She worked so hard with Natalie, the SLT I work with at the Freeman. They...

Muscle Tension Dysphonia
I got chance to present my research on Muscle Tension Dysphonia today at the largest annual medical sciences conference in the UK; the...

Performance Techniques - Singing.
I am so lucky to keep getting invited to run workshops and masterclasses at Newcastle University. Thank you to all who worked with me...

Jacob Lieberman Came to Town!
The world renowned Jacob Lieberman and Sophie Raiz came to run training at the Freeman Hospital and guess who was the guinea-pig?...
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