A Lady Sang After 19 Years! Voice Therapy Works! #FreemanHospitalI have nothing more to say, other than the title! What a lady! She worked so hard with Natalie, the SLT I work with at the Freeman. They...
Muscle Tension DysphoniaI got chance to present my research on Muscle Tension Dysphonia today at the largest annual medical sciences conference in the UK; the...
Performance Techniques - Singing.I am so lucky to keep getting invited to run workshops and masterclasses at Newcastle University. Thank you to all who worked with me...
Jacob Lieberman Came to Town!The world renowned Jacob Lieberman and Sophie Raiz came to run training at the Freeman Hospital and guess who was the guinea-pig?...
Performance AnxietyPerformance anxiety can be crippling. My aim is to incorporate awareness into session if people need it. This workshop is invaluable for...
Northumberland Theatre CompanyThrilled to have been asked to work with the cast of NTC. They asked me to design a workshop to protect actors voice on tour over the...
Research Workshop: Robots, Robotics, Voice and Plant-Life: Crises of the Human?Delighted to be asked to speak at this workshop delivered by the School of Modern Languages at Newcastle University. The other speakers...